
Using story to address bias

stories like this can be effective in raising awareness about bias is by allowing readers to see the world through the eyes of the characters. By experiencing the events of the story as if they are happening to us, we are able to get a firsthand understanding of the impact that bias can have on individuals and communities.

She thinks she knows cover

She thinks she knows – Pera Barrett

“The bad man might be there soon, Mummy?” Riley was wide-eyed, trying to peer out the living room window from the couch.

Jess lowered herself from the pull-up bar and smiled at her daughter. “Maybe, darling. Baddies can be tricksy sometimes.”

“Did you catch lots and lots of them when you were in the army?” Riley said. “I bet you were a good catcher.” She clambered down from the couch.

Jess grunted and bent to the side, stretching her back muscles, then wiped the sweat from her face. “I did what I could, we all did, darling.” She leaned down and kissed Riley on the forehead. “So all the precious little soldiers like you can grow up free and strong.”

The Cleaners - Pera Barrett

The Cleaners – Pera Barrett

The morning bustle of workers moved down the hallway from one meeting room to another.

‘Susi,’ Lavita hissed, wrinkles creasing her brown forehead. ‘Put it in your bag before they see. Silly woman.’