Stationery Starter Packs

The Stationery Starter Packs project is about grown-ups lending a hand to those children & whānau we know are going to really struggle to provide the basics they need for their first year at college. We started this project after talking with a young kōtiro (girl) leaving one of our Shoebox Christmas schools. When the teacher asked what she wanted on her ‘wish list’ for Shoebox Christmas, she simply said ‘stationery’. This was because she knew her family wasn’t going to be able to afford her books etc. when she left for the big-wide-world of college the following year.

We don’t think that’s something she should be worrying about.

How does it work?

This year, really simply. You sign up (details below). You’ll be assigned a generic stationery starter pack. Please fill this with items from the stationery list at the bottom of this page and drop it at the drop-off address listed when you’re matched.

If you’d like to lend a hand, it’s a two-step process:

First, you can sign up at and select the Stationery Starter Packs – *your city

Then select your suburb. Not all suburbs have schools with stationery packs being requested, so to increase your chances, select ‘I don’t mind’

We’ll make things easier next year 🙂

Please remember the whole lot can cost up to $120, so it might be something you sign up to complete with a friend or two.

Generic Stationery List

  • 8 x 1B5 Exercise books
  • 2 x 1E5 Exercise books
  • 2 x 3B1 Notebooks
  • 1 x Clever Kiwi Activity book
  • 1 x 200 page A4 refill pad
  • 2 x 40 page Clear Files
  • 1 x Pencil case
  • 6 x pens (2 green, 3 blue, 1 red)
  • 5 x HB pencils
  • 1 x Pencil sharpener
  • 1 x Eraser
  • 2 x Higlighters
  • 1 x Ruler
  • 1 x Packet of felt pens
  • 1 x Packet of coloured pencils
  • 1 x Protractor
  • 1 x Scissors
  • 2 x Glue sticks 40g
  • 1 x Whiteboard pen
  • 1 x Box of tissues

Or, download the PDF here: